Technology for the effectiveness of maritime surveillance of the 21st century

  • Omar Duarte Razo Armada de México
Keywords: Effectiveness, Efficacy, Efficiency, Manned aircraft, UAV, Surveillance


This article presents a simulation of a comparative study of aerial platforms that can be used in maritime surveillance, analyzing the operational convenience of using a manned aircraft or an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), supported under the Operations Analysis Theory. This article shows, based on the analytical tools available, which is more efficient and which is more effective in maritime surveillance operations, under defined environmental and operating conditions, as well as specific target dimensions and activities. From the comparison it is concluded that, the platform that meets the adaptability and acceptability criteria for daytime surveillance is the manned aircraft, while for a night surveillance, with an acceptable value of effectiveness and a higher value of efficiency, the platform that meets with the criteria of adaptability and acceptability is the unmanned aerial vehicle with the use of five aircraft, in such a way that this information can be used as an element of judgment for a correct commanders decision-making, according to the information and time available at the operations theater.


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Author Biography

Omar Duarte Razo, Armada de México

Jefe Sección 14 Base Aeronaval de la Paz SEMAR
Licenciado en Ciencias Navales por la Heroica Escuela Naval Militar con la Especialidad de Piloto Aviador Naval Ala Móvil. Ha seguido el Curso de Mando Naval en el Centro de Estudios Superiores Navales de la Secretaría de Marina Armada de México y el Programa de Comando y Estado Mayor (COEM) - Maestría en Estrategia Marítima en la Escuela Superior de Guerra Naval de la Marina de Guerra del Perú.

How to Cite
Duarte Razo, O. (2021). Technology for the effectiveness of maritime surveillance of the 21st century. Revista De La Escuela Superior De Guerra Naval, 18(2), 30-45. Retrieved from
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