Cabotage in Peru and the world

  • César Arrese Chávez
Keywords: Cabotage, Economic perspective, Maritime network, Regulation


The aim of this research is to identify the key concepts that will allow us to determine the steps to implement a policy that benefits the Peruvian cabotage. Although there are supporters in the world for a total liberalization of the market, there are several important countries that protect the market through extremely strict laws based on national interest and security. In this bibliographic research, concepts such as the historical evolution of cabotage, mobility and maritime network, maritime situational awareness, port definition, challenges related to the sea, economic perspective, actions and regulations in favor of cabotage, cabotage in the world and as part of it, Peruvian cabotage and its advantages in its relation to multimodal transport could be identified. It was concluded that there is a lot of work that has to be done at the infrastructure and regulatory level to make cabotage an option that replaces land transport, which is deeply rooted in Peruvian commercial.


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Author Biography

César Arrese Chávez

Capitán de Corbeta de la Marina de Guerra del Perú. Maestro en Gestión y Docencia Educativa por la Universidad Marcelino Champagnat. Ha seguido el curso Básico de inteligencia, Básico de Estado Mayor y Comando y Estado Mayor.

How to Cite
Arrese Chávez, C. (2020). Cabotage in Peru and the world. Revista De La Escuela Superior De Guerra Naval, 17(1), 57-83. Retrieved from