China’s Belt and Road Initiative in Latin America: How is the United States Reacting?

  • Santiago Augusto Váscones del Risco Marina de Guerra del Perú
Keywords: Latin America, Belt and Road Initiative, United States Foreign Policy, Going Abroad Strategy, Strategic Competition, Trade, Investment, Dual-Purpose Projects, National Security, Geopolitics


The U.S. 2022 National Security Strategy has three priorities for the Western Hemisphere: expanding economic opportunities, strengthening democracy, and building security. The United States is the major trading partner in the region so far, providing the most significant foreign investment and military cooperation. However, in the last two decades, China has been more focused on the trade chain, mining, transportation infrastructure development, communication, and maritime infrastructure investment in Latin America than
the United States. China's influence grows yearly in the region because of its expanding economic strategy.
In the 2017 Belt and Road Forum in Beijing, Chinese President Xi Jinping argued that Latin America is a “Natural extension of the 21st Century Silk Road.” After the China-Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (China-CELAC) forum occurred in Santiago in January 2018, seven South American countries signed the BRI Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).


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Author Biography

Santiago Augusto Váscones del Risco, Marina de Guerra del Perú

Capitán de Corbeta de la Marina de Guerra del Perú. Licenciado en Ciencias Marítimas Navales por la
Escuela Naval del Perú. Calificado en Guerra de Superficie y Sistemas de Comunicaciones por la Escuela de Guerra de Superficie de la Marina de Brasil.
Ha participado en diversos entrenamientos y operaciones multinacionales como Oficial Asistente de
Operaciones Futuras y Planes de la Comandancia del Escuadrón de Destructores 40 de la Marina de los
Estados Unidos, así como a bordo de corbetas y fragatas misileras de la Marina de Guerra del Perú.
Actualmente es Oficial Alumno del Programa de Comando y Estado Mayor de la Escuela Superior de Guerra Naval de la Marina de los Estados Unidos.

How to Cite
Váscones del Risco, S. A. (2024). China’s Belt and Road Initiative in Latin America: How is the United States Reacting?. Revista De La Escuela Superior De Guerra Naval, 21(1), 72-84. Retrieved from