Annotations about the challenges of the international cooperation in cyber defence

  • Carmen Christina Guerra Huayllasco Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores
Keywords: Cyber defense, international cooperation, challenges, diplomacy, cybersecurity


It is known that globalization offers great opportunities for the development of States, but it also brings with it various significant risks that violate the sovereignty of countries, being one of them cyber-attacks. These can affect national security by violating critical infrastructure in the areas of economy, health, public order and even politics. Viewed in this way, cyberattacks can affect, without being quickly detected, a country's public services, its telecommunications, transportation, financial entities, among others, which are
critical assets for every nation. In this sense, international cooperation in cyber defense is increasingly necessary, as it would allow this problem to be faced with greater solvency. However, there are various challenges for the cooperation in this area, such as the differences in technological development of the States, the lack of trust due it is an issue that involves sovereignty or the lack of uniform legislation, especially in the Latin American region. It should be noted that the Peruvian Navy has been developing efforts to strengthen cyber defence in Peru, together with the other armed forces, who can also count with the tools offered by Peruvian diplomacy, specifically in international cooperation, achieving rapprochements with defense blocs, international organizations, as well as with other countries.


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Author Biography

Carmen Christina Guerra Huayllasco, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores

Licenciada en Administración de Negocios Globales por la Universidad Ricardo Palma. Magíster en
Diplomacia y Relaciones Internacionales por la Academia Diplomática del Perú. Tercera Secretaria del
Servicio Diplomático de la República. Actualmente se desempeña en la Dirección de Relaciones Educativas
y del Deporte de la Dirección General para Asuntos Culturales del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores. Es
egresada del Curso de Dirección Estratégica para la Defensa y Administración de Crisis (CEDEYAC) – de la
Escuela Superior de Guerra Naval

How to Cite
Guerra Huayllasco, C. C. (2024). Annotations about the challenges of the international cooperation in cyber defence. Revista De La Escuela Superior De Guerra Naval, 21(1), 38-51. Retrieved from