The role of the peruvian armed forces in the planning of promoting comprehensive human development in the southern part of the country

  • Alonso Quintanilla Pérez-Wicht Universidad Católica San Pablo
Keywords: National Defense, Strategic Planning, Integral Human Development, Southern Peru, Civic-military values


Two hundred and one years after founding the Republic, southern Peru continues to be culturally fragmented. Seeking to define a common identity and a long-term path, the ninth state policy ¨National Security” of the National Agreement (Acuerdo Nacional), and the fourth objective and state policy for national defense of the White Book of the National Defense of Peru, points out the need to guarantee independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and safeguarding of national interests, as well as to create awareness in security and defense concepts through civic-patriotic education in democracy. This paper aims to make a brief analysis of the main concepts of Integral Human Development, proposing suggestions for the formulation of a strategic development plan for southern Peru incorporating the previously mentioned concepts.


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Author Biography

Alonso Quintanilla Pérez-Wicht, Universidad Católica San Pablo

Doctor en Ciencias Sociales. Profesor Principal en el Departamento de Ciencias Económico-Empresariales UCSP. Rector de la Universidad Católica San Pablo, UCSP, Perú. Egresado del Curso de Dirección Estratégica para la Defensa y Administración de Crisis (CEDEYAC) – Escuela Superior de Guerra Naval

How to Cite
Quintanilla Pérez-Wicht, A. (2023). The role of the peruvian armed forces in the planning of promoting comprehensive human development in the southern part of the country. Revista De La Escuela Superior De Guerra Naval, 20(1), 34-43. Retrieved from