Geopolitical situation of the South American Pacific rim in 2021 from the Peruvian perspective

  • Carl Johan Blydal Escuela Superior de Guerra Naval
Keywords: Geopolitics, Peru, International politics, China, United States, South America


During the year 2021, Peru has faced several challenges and events that have been influenced by a great variety of factors. One event that includes various national and international factors is the international pandemic of Covid-19, that had economic, political and social effects that influenced various countries in very different ways. Other more limited events with international effects were the inaugaration of a new President of the United States and the United Kingdom leaving the European Union. Furthermore, the United States has intensified its focus on China as its global rival during the current year. This article has used the geopolítical approach to connect some of these events and tendencias to Peru and its economic, political and security national interests. The geographical scope includes the Peruvian national territory, the South American región as well as the Pacific basin and the Atlantic Ocean. The political and security context includes the global rivalry between the United States and China and its effects on Peru.


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Author Biography

Carl Johan Blydal, Escuela Superior de Guerra Naval

Doctor en Ciencias Políticas en la Universidad Humboldt de Berlín y Magister Artium en Historia, Ciencias
políticas y Economía política de la Universidad Renana Guillermo Federico de Bonn, Alemania.
Asesor de la División de Estudios Estratégicos y Marítimos de la Escuela Superior de Guerra Naval.

How to Cite
Blydal, C. J. (2021). Geopolitical situation of the South American Pacific rim in 2021 from the Peruvian perspective. Revista De La Escuela Superior De Guerra Naval, 18(2), 96 - 109. Retrieved from
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